How to Talk to a Family Member About Memory Changes & Concerns

Daughters talking to an aging mother.

Memory changes can be challenging for families to address, mainly when they affect someone you deeply care about. Starting a conversation about memory concerns requires sensitivity, respect, and thoughtful planning. At The Pavilion at Great Hills, a memory care community in Austin, TX, we understand there is no perfect way to approach this topic, but we aim to help you initiate the conversation about memory changes with a family member, ensuring everyone feels supported and understood.

Why Is It Important to Address Memory Concerns?

Memory changes often come gradually, making it difficult to pinpoint when to take action. However, early detection and intervention can significantly improve your family member’s lifestyle. Ignoring or delaying the conversation about memory concerns can lead to unnecessary stress and missed early care and support opportunities. Addressing these issues promptly creates a pathway for better outcomes and enhanced well-being. Here are some tips that can help you initiate the conversation:

Assess the Situation

Adult son talking to aging father.

Before initiating the dialogue, it’s crucial to assess the situation thoroughly. Look for signs of memory changes, such as forgetfulness, confusion, or trouble with daily tasks. You might notice your relative repeating themselves, misplacing items frequently, or having difficulty following conversations. Pay close attention to changes in behavior and thinking. Mood swings, withdrawal from hobbies and socialization, or uncharacteristic irritability can signal underlying memory issues. Documenting these observations can provide valuable context and prepare you for a more informed discussion.

Set the Tone for the Conversation

Choosing the right time and place for this conversation is key. Find a quiet, comfortable setting where your relative feels safe and relaxed. Avoid busy surroundings or stressful situations that could heighten anxiety or defensiveness. When sharing your observations, do so with respect and empathy. Use “I” statements to express your concerns without sounding accusatory. For example, say, “I’ve noticed that you’ve been forgetting things more often lately, and I’m worried about you,” rather than “You keep forgetting things.” This approach fosters an open, non-confrontational dialogue.

Be prepared to have multiple conversations. Memory concerns are sensitive to talk about and may require several discussions to fully address. Allow your relative to take time to process the information. Patience and persistence are crucial in ensuring they feel heard and supported throughout the process.

Explore Care Options Together

Adult son talking to aging mother.

Once you’ve initiated the conversation, it’s time to explore various care options to address your concerns. Discuss potential next steps, such as visiting a healthcare professional for a thorough evaluation. Encourage your other family members to participate in the decision-making process, emphasizing that their input is vital. Reaching out to professionals, such as geriatricians or neurologists, can provide further insights and recommendations. They can conduct assessments, suggest interventions, and connect you with resources to support your family member’s memory health.

Touring memory care communities can also be an invaluable step. At The Pavilion at Great Hills, we offer specialized memory care in Austin, TX, and are always happy to guide you on your journey to finding the right memory support for your family member. 

The benefits that come from personalized professional care, including 24/7 access to support, structured routines, safe spaces, and social interaction, can significantly enhance your family member’s lifestyle. Our community is designed to provide a nurturing and supportive setting for individuals experiencing memory changes. Residents benefit from a vibrant social calendar with programs designed to stimulate the mind, activate the body, and nourish the spirit. Whether through art therapy, music sessions, or group outings, we ensure every day is filled with opportunities for growth and joy.

Starting a conversation about memory concerns with a family member can be daunting. Still, it is a crucial step toward ensuring their well-being. Early detection of subtle signs of memory changes and having the right tools can lead to a smoother conversation between you and those you care about.

At The Pavilion at Great Hills, our commitment to dementia care goes beyond the four walls of our community. We invite you to reach out to a member of our team to learn more about our community and what we have to offer. We are always here to support you in this often complex journey.